Wednesday, 4 July 2012

The Score Board

In a football match, there is a big board that shines and hangs far away from every one, it is one that gives the progress report of the happenings on the field of play, it shows the scores, substitution, timing of the match, and at the end of the match it gloriously displays the WINNER! in relation to the mind, this board’s importance extends beyond its literary function and this represents the crux of this article.

There are different sets of people in the stadium most prominent are the spectators, the officials and the footballers. Their gaze at the score board is one factor that determines their relevance in the stadium.
         The Spectators are the largest set of people and could be described as the masses, their relevance to the output of the match is extremely minimal, although they make the most noise, they also benefit the least and gaze at the score board the MOST.
          The Officials are the smallest set of people in the game; they could be described as the government of the game, their decisions influence the games and their transparency or otherwise in turn have ADVERSE EFFECT on the outcome that is showed on the score board. They do not just gaze at the score board THEY CARRY IT IN THEIR HEADS.
             The Footballers are always of specific numbers, they are the 1% on which the entire 99% lean on, without them there can be no officials (government) or spectators (masses), their action or inaction, their experience or inexperience, their tactics and models, their intelligence and emotions ULTIMATELY DETERMINES the result on the score board. Their gazes at the score board are MINIMAL, OF DEFINITE REASON, INTENTIONAL AND CAREFULLY TIMED.
            In life the score board are the cars, the house, the vacation and the luxury that you would like to get, like the spectators (masses), do not fix gaze so much at it and then forget you have a game to actually play, be like the footballers (the 1% that drives others) who do all they do intentionally in order to achieve an expected end.

…the score board will change  to your favor as you display your excellence on the field of play, so dis-play on the ground and the scoreboard will display you high up above everyone in bright sparkles.


  1. A nice illustration. this is a reminder that one should focus on being a better person, rather than focusing on transient things.

    1. very insightful angle, thank you for that

  2. Benjamin O Benjamin4 July 2012 at 19:14

    Every pragmatic life tales revolve round this scenario.I'm blessed! Mr Brian orji, you are always a blessing.
